When I moved to sanford nearly 10 years ago I knew nothing about local auto repair shops so I asked two trusted friends to recommend one. Without a moment's hesitation, both said R&N Motor Co. on Woodlawn, near Horner. I appreciate exemplary auto work because it has enabled me to keep several cars in fine shape well past 200,000 miles. In the last 9+ years I've had R&N do a wide variety of major and minor repairs including brakes, hoses, belts, tune-ups, emission controls, a wheel bearing, struts and shocks, electronic modules, a transmission rebuild, plus six sets of new tires, many routine oil, coolant, and transmission fluid changes, and a bunch of State inspections. You can safely send *anyone* to R&N and be certain they'll get fine work, and be treated right, even if they don't know anything at all about their car.